Postpone, Don’t Cancel: COVID-19, Tourism and the Demise of the African Safari As the world's press, focuses on Asia, the U.S. and Europe, Sarah Kingdom gives us another perspective on the Coronavirus from the heart of the African safari industry.
The Four Corners of Africa: Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia Impalila Island, flanked on the north by the Zambezi River and to the south by the Chobe River, is home to some spectacular wildlife. It was also home to my family, for a couple of magic days.
Why Philosophy is an Ideal Travel Companion for Adventurous Minds Humans have always looked for new experiences, ways to live, things to show to others. Travel magazines are strewn with articles about visiting “overlooked” and “unknown” places.
The Coronavirus and Tourism Places like Alaska without a COVID-19 outbreak could still be devastated. General fears, tourism and travel are expected to plunge in the coming weeks and months.
Moab: The Adventure Capital Sitting atop a red rock playground with every outdoor sporting opportunity at your fingertips, Moab is one of America’s greatest adventure destinations.
Surf City: Pulling Back the Veil on El Salvador What surfers have found in El Salvador is a far cry from the preconceived notions compounded by sensationalist headlines.