
Human Lives Are Not More Important Than Animal Lives

India’s Adventure Tourism Industry Needs Change

The Long Defeat: Failing in the Mountains
Surrender and retreat in the mountains is a drawn-out, pondersome affair. Perhaps that's what makes success so rewarding.

Opinion: Don't Vote For This Guy. Don't Buy This Jacket. Don't Read This Article.
TL;DR: Vote the assholes out. But most importantly, stop buying shit. Because 70% of our GDP comes from consumerism and eventually, that’s what’s destroying the planet.

National Parks – Even Mount Rushmore – Show That There's More Than One Kind of Patriotism
Native Americans are adding Mount Rushmore to the list of monuments around the world that critics see as commemorating histories of racism, slavery and genocide and reinforcing white supremacy.

Will India's Adventure Travel Companies Survive the COVID-19 Crisis?
COVID-19 has hit the Indian tourism industry hard: an industry professional shares his personal struggles, thoughts, and advice.