Devils Tower: Why We Don't Climb in June An iconic mountain, world-famous for its presence in 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. But the mountain holds far greater importance for several groups beyond its cinematic history….
The Bounty of Living in Boulder From its refined downtown gem, Pearl Street, to the tops of its sandstone giants, the Flatirons, Boulder has a variety of adventures for all your tastes. This story originally featured in The Outdoor Journal print edition. Subscribe here. Swirl three times, pour. Wait three breaths, turn the cup back over.
Exclusive: Interview with Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa, of The Ultimate Descent “People always asked me if I was scared. If I’m scared, maybe that means I don’t have confidence. And I need confidence for this adventure”. Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa certainly spoke these words like a man who knew what he was talking about. And he should, after all; this
The Psychology of Summiting Everest Being the first is important for many Everest aspirants, but unless you come from South Sudan, it is very hard to be the first of a nation. So what’s left?
The Joe Kinder Lynch Mob: Business as Usual Ever since the Joe Kinder and Sasha DiGulian thing blew up, I've been feeling like there's something missing in the global climbing community’s response, particularly among American climbers. It's not that I think Joe Kinder is in the right, or that I think
Courtney Sanders: The Bigger Issue Following recent events, Courtney Sanders reflects upon wider issues in the outdoor industry.