When Dams Cause More Problems Than They Solve Dams generate power, store water, control flooding and create recreational opportunities. But dams can also threaten public safety and nature, especially if they are old or poorly maintained.
Designing Whole Communities That Give Back As Much As They Take Although the pandemic has dominated headlines, climate change hasn’t gone away. Experts are calling for a “green” economic recovery with investments into low-carbon energy sources and technologies.
African Safari, Conservation and the Covid Connection The struggles of Africa’s $39.2 billion tourism industry sector could cause extreme poverty, lead to an increase in poaching and severely impact wildlife populations.
Lion Tech to Revive the Pride Andrew Stein is a new breed of Big Cat conservationist who develops technology to help wildlife and people coexist in harmony.
My Wife Made Me Walk to the South Pole! Simon Murray, ex-Legionnaire and businessman extraordinaire, also happened to become the oldest man (63) to walk 1200 km to the South Pole in 2004.
2˚C Will Push Most Tropical Rainforests Above Their Safe 'Heat Threshold' Climate change will mean death outweighs growth, and tropical forests will eventually switch to releasing more carbon into the atmosphere than they take out.